Sunday 23 December 2012

Are we born with innate ideas?

Rationalists (R)

These philosophers claim that the mind contains innate knowledge (including synthetic) from birth and can be gained through a priori understanding. Crude rationalists (CR) claim that we are aware of these ideas from birth. However, sophisticated rationalists (SR) say we aren't aware of them. This is clever because it avoids the empiricists questioning how we are aware of them. R argue that ideas sit in our minds without us being aware of them and an experience triggers our awareness of them. For example, seeing the colour red triggers our innate idea of red. 
Key philosophers: Descartes, Plato

Innate ideas as a possibility is not strong enough to prove that it is true.

Empiricists (E)

They claim that synthetic knowledge is not innate and can only come from sense experience or a posteriori understanding. The mind is a 'tabula rasa' or blank slate at birth. Locke challenges R by stating that is we are all born with the same innate ideas, there would be a truth that everyone in the world knows, but there isn't. For example, not everyone is born with the idea of 'goodness' as there are criminals. 

Hume says all ideas are 'faint copies' of impressions. For example, seeing a cat gives us an impression of a cat which then gives us a faint copy of a cat. This stays in our minds after we've experienced one.

Everything coming from experience is not strong enough to prove it is true.


Both SR and E claim that babies aren't concious of ideas. 


R claim that we are born with ideas that need to be triggered.
E claim that we are born with no ideas and most knowledge comes from experience.


  1. Very interesting! :) but I think your example that not everyone is born with the idea of goodness because there are criminals is a bit... well, not right lol (not saying that it is wrong) Nobody is born a criminal, and there certainly aren't any crime committing babies. I think that we're born with a conscience, this is something that separates us from everything that surrounds us on this planet, and that our conscience is an extension of our soul containing prior knowledge, a knowledge that is made aware to us through experience, whether it be good or bad. I think there are people born with an innate attribute to question things that are far bigger than us, questions that no one teaches you to ask but questions that you come to through your own mind and thoughts, which is an extension of our consciences which itself is an extension of our souls. Prior knowledge?
